I help parents connect with their child/children.


Parents and Caregivers

If you are feeling overwhelmed, you do not understand why your child is having meltdowns or feeling isolated and unsupported. I have a solution. I’m going to teach you how to better understand your child and learn strategies to use in challenging situations to help decrease stress and build your connection with your child.

Exclusively For Parents and Caregivers Be a part of the fastest-growing community

Is this you

  • Feeling overwhelmed and burnt out

  • Struggling to connect with your child

  • Feeling isolated and unsupported

  • Dealing with judgment and criticism from others

  • Struggling to find time for self-care and personal interests

  • Feeling guilty about not being able to do enough for your child

  • Lack of sleep and fatigue

  • Feeling like they're not doing enough to support your child's development

Imagine this instead!

  • Building a positive, fulfilling relationship with your child

  • Feeling supported and understood by others

  • Feeling confident in your parenting abilities

  • Having more quality time with your child

  • Feeling less stressed and more relaxed in your day-to-day life

  • Developing coping strategies for challenging situations

  • Seeing progress and improvement in your child's development

  • Feeling more in control of your life and your child's future

  • Developing a positive outlook and mindset

  • Finding joy and fulfillment in parenting

Sounds Great Right?

Well parents and caregivers, what I just described to you can be achieved through coaching.

Now, I know what you may be thinking..

Will this really work for me and my family?

As both a licensed clinician and coach I can confidently tell you that it can work and that I've streamlined the most effective process for you. 

But ...

  • This change does not happen by changing your child. This change happens by changing your understanding of the disorder and how you can change and adapt to situations. It is important you understand that this change does not happen overnight. This change happens after learning knowledge and practicing implementing positive energy and techniques when challenges are faced.

  • It's achieved by stepping into your role as a confident leader in your family. Into your role as their parent, to guide, protect, and set up long-term connections to promote life-long bonds and relationships.  

Meet your new, trusted, and innovative parenting expert.

I’m Janine K Cravens. I am a licensed psychologist, BCBA-D, a parent coach and I am Autistic. 

My mission is to empower parents to develop their connection with their child, so everyone can thrive socially, emotionally, and physically in day-to-day life situations. 

Through my proven coaching program or protocol The Connecting Deeper with Your Autistic Child Program.

Why Start Now?

  • Early intervention is the key to success when working with a child and this includes parents learning as well.

  • You want to learn to have a positive mindset so you can grow your skills as well as your kiddos. This help builds the connection and life-long bond.

  • The more now you learn the fewer mistakes you will make and the more positive your mindset will be.

So what do you say?

Parent Coaching gives you the strategy, frameworks, feedback, accountability, and support you need to help your child connect with you, be successful, and build tools to help you manage challenging situations. It’s a complete A-Z process to help you understand your child. 

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